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What’s New in Visual Studio 2012?

Posted by Ravi Varma Thumati on February 11, 2015

This section provides information about improvements for web development in Visual Studio 2012 Release.

Project Sharing Between Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate (Project Compatibility)

Until Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate, opening an existing project in a newer version of Visual Studio launched the Conversion Wizard. This forced an upgrade of the content (assets) of a project and solution to new formats that were not backward compatible. Therefore, after the conversion you could not open the project in the older version of Visual Studio.

Many customers have told us that this was not the right approach. In Visual Studio 11 Beta, we now support sharing projects and solutions with Visual Studio 2010 SP1. This means that if you open a 2010 project in Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate, you will still be able to open the project in Visual Studio 2010 SP1.

Note: A few types of projects cannot be shared between Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate. These include some older projects (such as ASP.NET MVC 2 projects) or projects for special purposes (such as Setup projects).

When you open a Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Web project for the first time in Visual Studio 11 Beta, the following properties are added to the project file:

  • FileUpgradeFlags
  • UpgradeBackupLocation
  • OldToolsVersion
  • VisualStudioVersion
  • VSToolsPath

FileUpgradeFlags, UpgradeBackupLocation, and OldToolsVersion are used by the process that upgrades the project file. They have no impact on working with the project in Visual Studio 2010.

VisualStudioVersion is a new property used by MSBuild 4.5 that indicates the version of Visual Studio for the current project. Because this property didn’t exist in MSBuild 4.0 (the version of MSBuild that Visual Studio 2010 SP1 uses), we inject a default value into the project file.

The VSToolsPath property is used to determine the correct .targets file to import from the path represented by the MSBuildExtensionsPath32 setting.

There are also some changes related to Import elements. These changes are required in order to support compatibility between both versions of Visual Studio.

Note: If a project is being shared between Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and Visual Studio 11 Beta on two different computers, and if the project includes a local database in the App_Data folder, you must make sure that the version of SQL Server used by the database is installed on both computers.

Configuration Changes in ASP.NET 4.5 Website Templates

The following changes have been made to the default Web.config file for site that are created using website templates in Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate:

  • In the<httpRuntime> element, the encoderType attribute is now set by default to use the AntiXSS types that were added to ASP.NET.
  • Also in the<httpRuntime> element, the requestValidationMode attribute is set to “4.5”. This means that by default, request validation is configured to use deferred (“lazy”) validation.
  • The<modules> element of the <system.webServer> section does not contain arunAllManagedModulesForAllRequests  (Its default value is false.) This means that if you are using a version of IIS 7 that has not been updated to SP1, you might have issues with routing in a new site.

These changes do not affect existing applications. However, they might represent a difference in behavior between existing websites and new websites that you create for ASP.NET 4.5 using the new templates.

Native Support in IIS 7 for ASP.NET Routing

This is not a change to ASP.NET as such, but a change in templates for new website projects that can affect you if you are working a version of IIS 7 that has not had the SP1 update applied.

In ASP.NET, you can add the following configuration setting to applications in order to support routing:

<configuration>  <system.webServer>               <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests=”true”>                <!– more –>               </modules>  </system.webServer></configuration>

When runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests is true, a URL like http://mysite/myapp/home goes to ASP.NET, even though there is no .aspx.mvc, or similar extension on the URL.

An update that was made to IIS 7 makes the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests setting unnecessary and supports ASP.NET routing natively.

If your website is running on IIS 7 and if IIS has been updated, you do not need to setrunAllManagedModulesForAllRequests to true. In fact, setting it to true is not recommended, because it adds unnecessary processing overhead to request. When this setting is true, all requests, including those for .htm.jpg, and other static files, also go through the ASP.NET request pipeline.

If you create a new ASP.NET 4.5 website using the templates that are provided in Visual Studio 2012 RC, the configuration for the website does not include the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests setting. This means that by default the setting is false.

If you then run the website on Windows 7 without SP1 installed, IIS 7 will not include the required update. As a consequence, routing will not work and you will see errors. If you have a problem where routing does not work, you can do either the following:

  • Update Windows 7 to SP1, which will add the update to IIS 7.
  • Install the update that’s described in the Microsoft Support article listed previously.
  • SetrunAllManagedModulesForAllRequests to true in that website’s Web.config file. Note that this will add some overhead to requests.

HTML Editor

Smart Tasks

In Design view, complex properties of server controls often have associated dialog boxes and wizards to make it easy to set them. For example, you can use a special dialog box to add a data source to a Repeater control or add columns to a GridView control.

However, this type of UI help for complex properties has not been available in Source view. Therefore, Visual Studio 11 introduces Smart Tasks for Source view. Smart Tasks are context-aware shortcuts for commonly used features in the C# and Visual Basic editors.

For ASP.NET Web Forms controls, Smart Tasks appear on server tags as a small glyph when the insertion point is inside the element:


The Smart Task expands when you click the glyph or press CTRL+. (dot), just as in the code editors. It then displays shortcuts that are similar to the Smart Tasks in Design view.


For example, the Smart Task in the previous illustration shows the GridView Tasks options. If you choose Edit Columns, the following dialog box is displayed:


Filling in the dialog box sets the same properties you can set in Design view. When you click OK, the markup for the control is updated with the new settings:


WAI-ARIA support

Writing accessible websites is becoming increasingly important. The WAI-ARIA accessibility standard defines how developers should write accessible websites. This standard is now fully supported in Visual Studio.

For example, the role attribute now has full IntelliSense:


The WAI-ARIA standard also introduces attributes that are prefixed with aria- that let you add semantics to an HTML5 document. Visual Studio also fully supports these aria- attributes:

 frame415_61    frame415_62

New HTML5 snippets

To make it faster and easier to write commonly used HTML5 markup, Visual Studio includes a number of snippets. An example is the video snippet:


To invoke the snippet, press Tab twice when the element is selected in IntelliSense:


This produces a snippet that you can customize.

Extract to user control

In large web pages, it can be a good idea to move individual pieces into user controls. This form of refactoring can help increase the readability of the page and can simplify the page structure.

To make this easier, when you edit Web Forms pages in Source view, you can now select text in a page, right-click it, and then choose Extract to User Control:


IntelliSense for code nuggets in attributes

Visual Studio has always provided IntelliSense for server-side code nuggets in any page or control. Now Visual Studio includes IntelliSense for code nuggets in HTML attributes as well.


This makes it easier to create data-binding expressions:


Automatic renaming of matching tag when you rename an opening or closing tag

If you rename an HTML element (for example, you change a div tag to be a header tag), the corresponding opening or closing tag also changes in real time.


This helps avoid the error where you forget to change a closing tag or change the wrong one.

Event handler generation

Visual Studio now includes features in Source view to help you write event handlers and bind them manually. If you are editing an event name in Source view, IntelliSense displays <Create New Event>, which will create an event handler in the page’s code that has the right signature:


By default, the event handler will use the control’s ID for the name of the event-handling method:


The resulting event handler will look like this (in this case, in C#):


Smart indent

When you press Enter while inside an empty HTML element, the editor will put the insertion point in the right place:


If you press Enter in this location, the closing tag is moved down and indented to match the opening tag. The insertion point is also indented:


Auto-reduce statement completion

The IntelliSense list in Visual Studio now filters based on what you type so that it displays only relevant options:


IntelliSense also filters based on the title case of the individual words in the IntelliSense list. For example, if you type “dl”, both dl and asp:DataList are displayed:


This feature makes it faster to get statement completion for known elements.

JavaScript Editor

The JavaScript editor in Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate is completely new and it greatly improves the experience of working with JavaScript in Visual Studio.

·         Code outlining

Outlining regions are now automatically created for all functions, allowing you to collapse parts of the file that aren’t pertinent to your current focus.

  • Brace matching

When you put the insertion point on an opening or closing brace, the editor highlights the matching one.

  • Go to Definition

The Go to Definition command lets you jump to the source for a function or variable.

  • ECMAScript5 support

The editor supports the new syntax and APIs in ECMAScript5, the latest version of the standard that describes the JavaScript language.

  • DOM IntelliSense

IntelliSense for DOM APIs has been improved, with support for many new HTML5 APIs including querySelector, DOM Storage, cross-document messaging, and canvas. DOM IntelliSense is now driven by a single simple JavaScript file, rather than by a native type library definition. This makes it easy to extend or replace.

·         VSDOC signature overloads

Detailed IntelliSense comments can now be declared for separate overloads of JavaScript functions by using the new<signature> element, as shown in this example:

function GetOrSet(key, value) {

/// <signature>

///            <summary>Gets the value</summary>

///            <param name=”key” type=”String”>The key to get the value for</param>

///            <returns type=”String” />

/// </signature>

/// <signature>

///            <summary>Sets the value</summary>

///            <param name=”key” type=”String”>The key to set the value for</param>

///            <param name=”value” type=”String”>The value to set</param>

///            <returns type=”MyLib” />

/// </signature>               if (value) {                  values[key] = value;                  return this;               } else {                  return values[key];


  • Implicit references

You can now add JavaScript files to a central list that will be implicitly included in the list of files that any given JavaScript file or block references, meaning you’ll get IntelliSense for its contents. For example, you can add jQuery files to the central list of files, and you’ll get IntelliSense for jQuery functions in any JavaScript block of file, whether you’ve referenced it explicitly (using /// <reference />) or not.

CSS Editor

Auto-reduce statement completion

The IntelliSense list for CSS now filters based on the CSS properties and values supported by the selected schema.


IntelliSense also supports title case searches:


Hierarchical indentation

The CSS editor uses indentation to display hierarchical rules, which gives you an overview of how the cascading rules are logically organized. In the following example, the #list a selector is a cascading child of list and is therefore indented.


The following example shows more complex inheritance:


The indentation of a rule is determined by its parent rules. Hierarchical indentation is enabled by default, but you can disable it the Options dialog box (Tools, Options from the menu bar):


CSS hacks support

Analysis of hundreds of real-world CSS files shows that CSS hacks are very common, and now Visual Studio supports the most widely used ones. This support includes IntelliSense and validation of the star (*) and underscore (_) property hacks:


Typical selector hacks are also supported so that hierarchical indentation is maintained even when they are applied. A typical selector hack used to target Internet Explorer 7 is to prepend a selector with *:first-child + html. Using that rule will maintain the hierarchical indentation:


Vendor specific schemas (-moz-, -webkit)

CSS3 introduces many properties that have been implemented by different browsers at different times. This previously forced developers to code for specific browsers by using vendor-specific syntax. These browser-specific properties are now included in IntelliSense.


Commenting and uncommenting support

You can now comment and uncomment CSS rules using the same shortcuts that you use in the code editor (Ctrl+K,C to comment and Ctrl+K,U to uncomment).

Color picker

In previous versions of Visual Studio, IntelliSense for color-related attributes consisted of a drop-down list of named color values. That list has been replaced by a full-featured color picker.

When you enter a color value, the color picker is displayed automatically and presents a list of previously used colors followed by a default color palette. You can select a color using the mouse or the keyboard.


The list can be expanded into a complete color picker. The picker lets you control the alpha channel by automatically converting any color into RGBA when you move the opacity slider:



Snippets in the CSS editor make it easier and faster to create cross-browser styles. Many CSS3 properties that require browser-specific settings have now been rolled into snippets.


CSS snippets support advanced scenarios (like CSS3 media queries) by typing the at-symbol (@), which shows the IntelliSense list.


When you select @media value and press Tab, the CSS editor inserts the following snippet:


As with snippets for code, you can create your own CSS snippets.

Custom regions

Named code regions, which are already available in the code editor, are now available for CSS editing. This lets you easily group related style blocks.


When a region is collapsed it displays the name of the region:


Page Inspector

Page Inspector is a tool that renders a web page (HTML, Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, or Web Pages) in the Visual Studio IDE and lets you examine both the source code and the resulting output. For ASP.NET pages, Page Inspector lets you determine which server-side code has produced the HTML markup that is rendered to the browser.


For more information about Page Inspector, please see the following tutorials:


Publish profiles

In Visual Studio 2010, publishing information for Web application projects is not stored in version control and is not designed for sharing with others. In Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate, the format of the publish profile has been changed. It has been made a team artifact, and it is now easy to leverage from builds based on MSBuild. Build configuration information is in the Publish dialog box so that you can easily switch build configurations before publishing.

Publish profiles are stored in the PublishProfiles folder. The location of the folder depends on what programming language you are using:

  • C#: Properties\PublishProfiles
  • Visual Basic: My Project\PublishProfiles

Each profile is an MSBuild file. During publishing, this file is imported into the project’s MSBuild file. In Visual Studio 2010, if you want to make changes to the publish or package process, you have to put your customizations in a file named ProjectName.wpp.targets. This is still supported, but you can now put your customizations in the publish profile itself. That way, the customizations will be used only for that profile.

You can now also leverage publish profiles from MSBuild. To do so, use the following command when you build the project:

msbuild.exe project.csproj /t:WebPublish /p:PublishProfile=ProfileName

The project.csproj value is the path of the project, and ProfileName is the name of the profile to publish. Alternatively, instead of passing the profile name for the PublishProfile property, you can pass in the full path to the publish profile.

ASP.NET precompilation and merge

For Web application projects, Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate adds an option on the Package/Publish Web properties page that lets you precompile and merge your site’s content when you publish or package the project. To see these options, right-click the project in Solution Explorer, choose Properties, and then choose the Package/Publish Web property page. The following illustration shows the Precompile this application before publishing option.


When this option is selected, Visual Studio precompiles the application whenever you publish or package the web application. If you want to control how the site is precompiled or how assemblies are merged, click the Advanced button to configure those options.

IIS Express

The default web server for testing web projects in Visual Studio is now IIS Express. The Visual Studio Development Server is still an option for local web server during development, but IIS Express is now the recommended server. The experience of using IIS Express in Visual Studio 11 Beta is very similar to using it in Visual Studio 2010 SP1.

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